It isn't for trying, however. The MMBA at the State Level has tried reaching out to the NCTA for a long time, offering to send volunteers to work on the NCT during scheduled work days. After all, cyclists helped build much of the existing trail. There are some interesting and unfortunately typical comments on the NCTA boards from members of the NCTA regarding offers from Cyclists to help maintain trail. Check it out. It gets ugly. It's no surprise that the NCTA has a hard time recruiting members when they turn away people who want to help maintain Public Trails!
Anyway, Nate Phelps of the MMBA Western Chapter has posted a brief recap of their group ride on the Marilla-Redbridge section of the NCT in the Manistee National Forest. I'll have a couple of more Pics to post after the holiday weekend.
The ride started out with a pavement warm up. We stopped 5 or 6 times before reaching Coates Highway. We lost three riders there. The rest of us took off for the trailhead at Marilla, 12 or so miles away. The first of several grinding climbs is right out of the box. In between, the descents seem to weave and roll forever. The trail was in great shape. The rain had tamed the sand and the soil had sucked up the water. In fact it was dry, but left that tack behind that grips no matter how stupid you ride. And the trail gets mach stupid in places. The rewards are always in place after the leg-busting climbs.
A couple of miles from the trailhead the forest opens up and reveals an inspiring view. The Manistee River blanketed in as far as the eye can see forest. The slow realization of where the trail came from, and where it ran, slowly creep into mind.
For anyone that hasn’t ridden the Red Bridge portion of the NCT, at times it can be hard to believe that you are still in Michigan. It’s also the only portion that I’ve been on and seen a hiker. On this trip there were 3 and friendly enough to yield the trail as we rode. Even after the dirt road ride back to the campground, it was a great ride shared by all.